Reflections of a Road Warrior... It’s a great day for a drive. Overcast, no rain in sight, mid-70s. No worry of driving into blinding sun or pounding rain. After years of long drives across this beautiful country, I know myself...
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Dear Lily, I intended to write to you long, long ago but then life got in the way (as it often does). A little background … in March, I hit the big six-five birthday which means I spend quite a...
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Okay, we'll admit it. Trying to find the best compression socks probably isn't the first thought that runs through the head of any would-be athlete as they're buying workout clothes and getting geared up to annihilate their well-formed goals. It's...
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I am 21 years old, and about to start my senior year of college. Recently, I started taking better care of my muscles by wearing compression socks, and I have fallen. in. love. – hard. Last year I ran my...
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Lily Trotters compression socks are designed with strong, fashion-forward, athletic and adventurous women in mind – And we continue to be so inspired by the stories our ‘power chicks’ share with us. THANK YOU! Slipping on a pair of Lily...
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